Washington Public Records

Washington Public Records Search

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About Washington Open Public Records
The Washington State Public Records Act is the vehicle by which the general public may obtain access to the documents and information of Washington state government, defined as all records generated and maintained by state and local government agencies. Online information from the Washington State Attorney General describes which records are available and how to request them. Also detailed are those records which are exempted from disclosure and the process to be followed in the event a request for records is denied. The Washington State Public Records Act also requires each state agency to employ a Public Records Officer and a response time of no more than five business days to each request for public records. Washington entered the union in 1889 as the 42nd state and got its name from the first U.S. President, George Washington. Known as the 'Evergreen State', Washington's population is nearly six and three quarters million residents, 60 percent of whom live in the Seattle metropolitan area. The state has 206 cities contained in 39 counties. Several Washington based companies are counted among the most nationally successful corporations, including Microsoft, Starbucks and Costco. Search current public records for Washington quickly and easily. Find out about criminal history records from the Washington State Patrol office. You may also review crime statistics for the state. The State Department of Health will help you acquire birth, death, marriage or divorce certificates. Learn about the Washington state courts, jury information and court case records. See how the residents of the state live by examining data on housing and real estate, demographics and employment. Explore the business possibilities by studying the statistics on firms and companies of Washington. Check out the workings of the governing bodies of the counties and discover what services and local attractions the cities in Washington state have to offer. Scan the interesting headlines and current events occurring in Washington at the moment. To help you keep up to date, this site is updated with new Washington sources on a regular basis.
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  • How do I find the actual date of my marriage in WA?
    To look up marriage licenses in the state of Washington, check with the county auditor's office where the marriage occurred. Look for the county auditor's website and see how to request a marriage license, also, see the contact information if you need help. Marriage licenses are considered to be a public record in this state.
  • How can I get a copy of a police report in Washington?
    Police reports are provided by the department which made the arrest. It is a common request, and its form, similar to incident/accident reports, can be obtained on individual departments' websites. Police reports are public records. However, there are exceptions before the request is granted.
  • How do I find a will in Washington?
    Finding the will before the person is deceased is not easy, and it is not generally considered a public record. However, when the person dies, the executor typically files the will with the court or county clerk, most likely at the venue where the decedent died. You may need to check other county clerks throughout the state. Once the will is filed with the court, it is a public record. This is the general rule of thumb regarding wills and probate; these can be different from one state or court to another. A court records search, where you believe the filing would take place, is a good starting point.
  • Where do I find in Washington who owns a home?
    Where is the home? Deed information can be retrieved/viewed from the county recorder offices throughout Washington. Take Seattle, for example; the Kings county recorder's office has a free online property information webpage. This database will reveal names and look up deeds, mortgage documents, easements, liens, and bills of sale. If it's in another county/area, mention it so that others help can be specific.
  • Where can I find in Washington, a copy of my birth records?
    If you are looking for copies from the state, the Washington department of health issues them by mail, online, by telephone, or walking in. You can also request a search only for eight dollars; the database includes birth or death after July 1, 1907, which is the time when the state took over these records from counties. For records before that, the county auditor is the custodian and can provide them.
  • Where can I find in Washington a website that will let you know if I have a warrant for my arrest?
    You will need to focus on the particular area/agency if the warrant is issued out of Snohomish county, for example, which offers misdemeanor outstanding warrant inquiries or felony outstanding warrant inquiries openly online. Go to the county website and look for either court, or Law enforcement, or put warrants for arrest in their search box.
  • Where can I find in Washington the outcome of a person's DUI case and where they may be incarcerated?
    Finding out whether a person is currently incarcerated is free and online. The Washington state department of corrections has an inmate/offender locator. You can search using the entire state's name with one query. Then you will be able to see where they are in custody, and we will also provide a link to the facility and their information. There's a phone number to contact the facility directly, and a list of the offender information can be seen under (list of available information). Criminal records, DUI or not, can be found in several ways; one is the courthouse where the case was tried and asked for the file from clerks. Cases like these are generally county-level. Therefore the county court may have the case. Certain counties have better online public services.
Washington Free Public Records Directory

Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public.

Washington Latest Crime Records (Updated 04/19/2024)
  • Total Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Total Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
Washington Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of persons residing within the state
  • Estimate of the state's total residency
  • Percentage change of the total resident population
  • Net change of residents' total population
  • Complete count of statewide resident population
  • Population estimate of residents less than 5 years of age
  • Estimated percentage of residents that are less than 5 years of age
  • Estimate of residents that are less than 18 years of age
  • Estimated percentage of residents that are less than 18 years of age
  • Percentage estimate of residents that are 65 years of age and older
  • Estimate of residents that are 65 years of age and older
  • Total estimate percentage of female residents
  • State's white resident population
  • State's black resident population
  • State's American Indian and Alaska Native resident populations
  • State's Asian resident population
  • State's Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander resident population
  • Statewide resident population of two or more races
  • Statewide resident population of Hispanic or Latino origin
  • Non Hispanic white resident population
  • Statewide percentage of white residents
  • Statewide percentage of black residents
  • Statewide percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native residents
  • Statewide percentage of Asian residents
  • Statewide percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
  • Statewide percentage of Two or more races
  • Statewide percentage of Hispanic or Latino Origin
  • Statewide percentage of non Hispanic white
  • Vital Statistics

    Births and deaths occurring in Washington
  • Births
  • Deaths
  • Infant death occurring within the state of persons one year of age or less
  • Percentage of persons with the same residence of one year or more
  • Resident Background Information

    Education and background history of Washington Residents
  • Percentage of foreign born population in the state
  • Percentage of residents 5 years of age and older that speak languages other than English at home
  • Percentage of persons from 25 years of age and older with high a school education or higher
  • Percentage of persons from 25 years of age and older with bachelor's degree or higher
  • Total number of Veterans
  • Current Housing and Real Estate Data

    Households located in Washington
  • Average time spent commuting to work for person 16 years and over not working from their personal residence
    25 Min
  • Housing unit estimates
  • Net change of housing units estimates
  • Housing unit estimates - percentage change
  • Percentage of the state's housing units being occupied by owners
  • Median value of the state's housing units being occupied by owners
  • Percentage of housing in structure of multi dwelling units
  • Total number of households
  • Average size of households
  • Washington Employment Data

    Income, earnings and payrolls of people residing within the State
  • Per capita income in the past 12 months in dollars adjusted to inflation
  • Statewide income of median households in Washington
  • Percentage of persons living in poverty
  • The personal income of persons employed
  • Per capita income of persons employed
  • Labor force of civilian workers
  • The unemployment of the civilian labor force
  • The rate of unemployed civilian labor force
  • Employment of person relating to all industries
  • Net change of employment in all industries
  • People employed by the government
  • Earnings by persons working in all industries
  • Average earnings per job in all industries
  • Number of private non farm establishments
Open-Public-Records.com Disclaimer: Open-Public-Records.com accesses data available from various unaffiliated external public sources. Open-Public-Records.com does not guarantee the accuracy of the information from unaffiliated sources and makes no representation of the data's completeness and content. Sources listed and its data are independent from Open-Public-Records.com. Information is subject to change without notice due to updating and modifications to data. Utilization of content is at one's sole risk, all data is for informational purposes only. Open-Public-Records.com does not make any claims of guilt of the alleged perpetrators appearing. Open Public Records is not to be utilized for any commercial purposes, including but not limited to employment, tenant or any screening or evaluation. Open Public Records is not a Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA) as defined under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). For further information and verification please refer to the original source of the data.